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Clematis viticella 'Mary Rose'
By Spritzhenry
- 7 Jul, 2014
Comments on this photo
No, fingers crossed - none here. I get it on my phlox occasionally though. :-(
8 Jul, 2014
that's one blousy bloom :p
8 Jul, 2014
Well - not really, as it's very small! Lots and lots of buds and flowers, though. :-)
9 Jul, 2014
still a wonderful flower.
9 Jul, 2014
Yes, it's one of the ones you have to get up close to, to see its prettiness.
10 Jul, 2014
Photo 92 of 131
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This photo is of "Clematis viticella 'Mary Rose'" in Spritzhenry's garden
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Adore this one....a devil for mildew, but probably not where you are. We seem to get all manner of fungal problems here.
7 Jul, 2014