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Crepis incana
By Siris

9 Jul, 2020
Leaves like a Dandylion, pink flowers, plenty to come. I can count 33 or 34 buds. Doesn't set seed readily, this is from a root cutting from my plant in the scree garden.
Comments on this photo
It’ll be a pretty show of flowers, Siris. I don’t know this one, but, it’s quite dainty.
12 Jul, 2020
It is pretty, pinker than the photo, taken on a dull day. Not at all invasive, doesn't set seed easily/at all.
12 Jul, 2020
Not one I know either.....but a pretty little plant....
13 Jul, 2020
I saw this plant first about 15 years ago, only recently sourced a supplier.
13 Jul, 2020
Photo 6 of 6
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I counted 28 flowers open today, plus more buds to open. No flowers on the mother plant in the back garden, which doesn't get full sun all like this one.
12 Jul, 2020