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Tree ferns

Tree ferns (Dicksonia antarctica (Soft tree fern))

My three cheap tree ferns. 6ft bought at blenheim palace flower show a few of years a go. the other 2 one bought from Knebworth show and the other from a nursery near Brighton (reduced).

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Feel like im on HOLIDAY in TURKEY NOW :D Trees&Things lol

20 Feb, 2008


They are fantastic. Do they come through the winter without needing wrapping?

21 Feb, 2008


For the last two years I have got away with just stuffing straw into the crown. But then we have not had any snow or really hard frosts this year. The pic was taken yesterday.

21 Feb, 2008


they are fantastic! even at a reduced price i bet they still cost a few bob - but well worth it i would imagine!

21 Feb, 2008


You are lucky not to have had much frost, we don't most years here is W.Somerset, but I've lost some plants this year as we have had several hard frosts and I wasn't ready to protect everything! ;-(

21 Feb, 2008


Super. As you have already said, we seem to be able to get away with the minimun of winter and frost protection, as our winters seem to be getting warmer.I have just used a light wrap with fleece this year so far.

4 Mar, 2008


Hi Treesandthings I like the word 'Cheap' or should I say my hubby does!But could you enlighten us on just how cheap these chaps were? Please?

2 Apr, 2008


The little ones were £40 each the big one cost £100. Big Plant Nursery north of Brighton is a good place to start.

2 Apr, 2008


Yep thats a great price for the 6 footer if I can get one near to that size and for that kind of money I will be dead chuffed...I have seen a 5 footer for about £90 but that's counting the size of the container as well although truth be told I think I'll keep mine (when I get them that is) in containers that way if the weather turns really, really bad I can move them to a safer place.Thanks for your reply.Hel.xx.

3 Apr, 2008

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