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Fuchsia in need of dividing
By Siris
- 21 Oct, 2014
- 1 like
A hardy Fuchsia, possibly Mrs Popple , still a mass of flowers on the bush and on the ground. Although only 3 or 4 years old it is in need of a drastic prune it is so big.
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Gardening with friends since
3 Sep, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
29 Mar, 2010
Fuchsia Magellanica 'Alba'
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Fuchsia Magellanica 'Variegata'
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Fuchsia Magellanica 'Versicolor'
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Can't remember, probably if the stems look frosted, but I have mulched so I could divide the stem area into 2 or 3 new plants.
23 Oct, 2014