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Fuchsia procumbens
By Plantoholic
- 7 Jun, 2011
Flower close up, love the blue pollen.
Comments on this photo
This is on my to "get list" when we pop down to Cornwall. My F.perscandens is close to flowering.
8 Jun, 2011
Michaella, yes growing outside survived -15c this winter :-) unfortunatly my variegated one didn't :-(
Meanie, if you can't find one it useually sets seed well, post a pic of your f. perscandens when it flowers. when it flowers.
8 Jun, 2011
I saw a lovely one growing in one of the greenhouses in St Andrews botanic gardens. I do like this Fuschia: perhaps I should try it on my raised beds.
9 Jun, 2011
Thank you for the reply Plantoholic :))
9 Jun, 2011
It has taken -15c!! Wish that I'd bought one a couple of years ago now.
9 Jun, 2011
Nominated this one.Gosh your well named plantoholic,this is really unusual,we to love the blue pollen bet the Bees look funny after visiting :)
15 Jun, 2011
Photo 23 of 42
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WOW!! This is different, I like it! Is it growing outside?
7 Jun, 2011