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Hoya Bella
By Meanie
- 14 Aug, 2010
Another photo of Sue's Hoya, but if you look closely you'll see that the flowers are weeping. This was taken very early one morning and the scent was unbelievable, so assume the weeping and scent are linked.
Comments on this photo
Has to be at least ten years old.
14 Aug, 2010
That's really strange as my Mum has the houseplant variety of this & water marks have appeared on the wood plant stand ! She insists she always takes the pot plant to the sink for watering, from beneath, never over the plant.
Could this be the reason for the water marks ?
14 Aug, 2010
I guess that it's possible but I couldn't say for sure - this plant is sacred and it would be more than my life is worth to touch it!! She wants it to stop flowering so that she can clean the windowsill, but it's laden with new blooms to come. One of the absolute "do nots" about them is that they should not be disturbed once flower buds appear. Oh, do not dead head either,
14 Aug, 2010
Tell her a layer of dust protects the wood ... lol !
14 Aug, 2010
Great close up photo!
That's the first I've heard -- they can't be moved when flowering. Hoya species are extremely tough vines. They can tolerate a lot of abuse (here anyway).
How large is the vine for 10 years of growth?
15 Aug, 2010
Thank you Delonix. Trust me, she will have checked that one out. Although, it's exactly what my book says too!
Size wise, it's a large ball, as it's sits in a small south facing window.
Shirley - it's doing her head in!!!!
15 Aug, 2010
Oh! what a beauty! like a flower made of silky velvet.Now she is in my wish list.Thanks Meanie for posting such a darling for us.
16 Aug, 2010
I moved a Hoya carnosa once (it belonged to a friend) it was 9 feet long and we dug it out of the ground while it was full of blooms. It had no problems and continued to bloom even after the abusive move. : > )
16 Aug, 2010
She won't have it though!!!
16 Aug, 2010
Wow Love those flowers......
16 Aug, 2010
They have an almost artificial look to them.
16 Aug, 2010
Photo 9 of 20
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That is absolutely beautiful Meanie. How old is this plant, as I believe it can take years to bloom.
14 Aug, 2010