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Pandanus and Neoregalia Fireball.
By Stan510
- 8 Jun, 2019
The Pandanus has made it through two winters now. That clump of Fireball is around 13 years old.
Comments on this photo
You have a lovely colourful mix there Stan that fireball is a beauty.
10 Jun, 2019
Thank you Penny. Also,under the Rubber tree is Aeonium "Voodoo". Slow grower and a bit touchy to cold,hot,wet. I didn't know where to plant it one day..and put it there as last resort.
11 Jun, 2019
Yes I could see that big flower I wondered what it was. It's seems to be doing well there Stan.
11 Jun, 2019
All looks great! Your Pandanus looks excellent! It should be tough enough to put into the ground now.
26 Jun, 2019
I planted one Papaya you sent me Andy. One made it to 4" and with a stout little trunk. Nice dark green color to tiny leaves. It's in the Mango yard. I pruned back the Sapote tree and now its more hours of sun to the rest of the yard.
26 Jun, 2019
That's great! Good luck with the papayas! My little papaya seedlings from last year are probably 16 - 18 inches tall now. They're all growing very well. I have Thai Dwarf, Red Caribbean and Maradol. I need to get some 'Red Lady' and
'Hawaiian Solo' papayas (which I've grown in the past)
29 Jun, 2019
Photo 13 of 21
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Btw, In this photo from last week,Fireball is adjusting from the winter low sun color,green- orange and becoming summer sun red. Not quite there yet,but with temps reaching 30C,it will get there.
9 Jun, 2019