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Desert Palms doing ok here.
By Stan510
- 28 Jun, 2016
- 1 like
Not the vigor of the hot desert palms..but presentable.
Comments on this photo
They have two groups of these in a subdivision by the Golf Course. Identical design round a bouts. You go around one and if you go right for a block...its like the twilight zone- seems as if you are right back where you started..only its the second, and THAT one leads you out. Spooky!
6 Jul, 2016
Is it in Hayward?
6 Jul, 2016
The Hayward Golf course on Industrial Blvd. Also off of Mission bldv.
6 Jul, 2016
Ok. I know where that is located. That's great! Hayward has always been anti-palm!(for some reason). This is why I moved to Fremont where they plant palms everywhere (when I lived there). :>)
6 Jul, 2016
Fremont and San Jose...and now San Francisco. Street King palms- seen that on the news a few times. More then just one street too.
Haywards city landscaper.. I tried to get hold of him once -as I recall,he had a dead email address.
6 Jul, 2016
Sounds like Hayward! LOL! :>) As you can tell I have a love-hate relationship with the city of Hayward! It has one of the best climates and soil for tropicals and palms in the SF Bay Area.
I know the last time in San Francisco (June 2015). I remember seeing Kings, Kentias, used as street trees. I was actually shocked to see so many. I used to know where there were Kentias and Kings. It just appears more are being planted. I also saw tons of Pygmy dates. They love the climate there, also!
The first time (so many years ago) I saw Ficus lyrata growing outside was in the Mission District of San Francisco on the south-side of a brick building. It was around 20'. I was amazed! I remember it survived the 1990 freeze. Well, because The City didn't get as hard hit as the rest of the Bay Area. I couldn't even tell where it was located, today. God, I wish we had digital cameras back then! :>)
9 Jul, 2016
I just read that somebody said he saw a 25' Ficus benjamina in San Francisco. Nothing will die of cold in San have to wait out the growth in summer. But it happens. You and I Andy, know there are some awesome tropicals in a city thats never thought of as warm.
9 Jul, 2016
I was trying to donate one of my Ficua macrophylla's to Chabot.
I might try again. Hayward takes the "who cares" about everything. They even cemented over a curb that scientists had studied for years. Did you read that in the news?
9 Jul, 2016
That would be awesome to have a huge old (one day) Ficus macrophylla at Chabot College!
Yes, I did read about about the USGS earthquake movement study on the cement curb. LOL! That's Hayward for you! LOL! :>)
9 Jul, 2016
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9 Sep, 2008
Those Phoenix dactylifera look great! Where are they located?
6 Jul, 2016