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Strelitzia nicolai - Giant Bird-of-Paradise flowers
By Delonix1

28 May, 2010
Looking up at Giant-Bird-of-Paradise flowering in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. This very widely grown plant can grow to more than 30 feet/ 10 meters tall. Photo taken May 27, 2010. Posted for Meanie.
Comments on this photo
I'm looking forward to the one in Oxfords botanic gardens putting on a show!
28 May, 2010
I'll look forward to seeing it too...
29 May, 2010
It's only a baby around 25 feet/ 7.6 meters tall..they can easily and quickly grow to 40 feet/ 12.2 meters tall.
29 May, 2010
Meanie, I look forward to seeing it also. : > )
29 May, 2010
...40 ft !! that's the size of a tree.. How impressive is that .Over here they just about get 4ft in a pot .. Mind you that's properly not a giant one .I don't think i have ever seen one here..
29 May, 2010
Yes, they do grow tall here and have many trunks...sometimes looking messy if some of the dozens of trunks are not cut out. I know in pot they can grow to about 25 feet tall...that's a large pot.
30 May, 2010
Mushy - there is one in the hot house at Oxfords botanic gardens.
I'm sure that Andy will agree that they lack the outright beauty of S.Reginae (they seem almost messy around the flowers), but it is a truly awesome plant. I'll rely on Andy to confirm this, as the only flowers that I've seen were a long way up, but the flowers must be a good 12 to 15 inches in size!
30 May, 2010
Many times Strelitzia nicolai and Strelitzia reginae are mass planted next to each other. They both look very ornamental and neat if thinned out and the old leaves removed. Generally, Strealizia reginae is planted right under Strelitzia nicolai.
The flowers including bacts on Strelitzia nicolai can be up to almost 3 feet / 1 meter...they're pretty large.
30 May, 2010
Wow! No wonder mine hasn't flowered, it looks like it's still a baby next to this giant...! I guess it may never flower, as it is in a pot and there's a roof it can't go through.
10 Dec, 2010
It can bloom in a pot...however, it needs a lot of full sun to flower well.
10 Dec, 2010
Ohhh...but the leaves of mine tend to crisp in the sun (do yours?)...that's why I moved it to a shady spot....??
11 Dec, 2010
The ones grown in the ground don't burn even in 110F/42C temps. In pots they can burn...especially in reflected extreme inland heat.
11 Dec, 2010
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Wow that's huge ...Excellent ..:o>)))))
28 May, 2010