You can visit our Tibouchina urvilleana page or browse the pictures using the next and previous links. If you've been inspired take a look at the Tibouchina plants in our garden centre.
tibouchina (rose)
By Aleyna
- 29 Jan, 2009
Comments on this photo
Lovely! Great color!
29 Jan, 2009
I dont know about out doors Bonkers, but maybe in a greenhouse it would grow happy, those are strong trees
30 Jan, 2009
This looks beautiful - so many blooms!
30 Jan, 2009
What a stunning tree. Thank you for posting these pictures, such beautiful colours.
1 Feb, 2009
thank you PottyGardener :)
1 Feb, 2009
your pictures bring warmth to us here in wales uk. thanks :0))
1 Feb, 2009
What a lovely tree! I love flowering trees. Any fragrance I wonder?
13 Aug, 2010
Interesting comment Rose lady, sincerelly I have never tried the Tibouchina smell. Will do, as soon as they bloom again.
16 Aug, 2010
Photo 5 of 37
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What a stunning tree - beautiful guess those of us with snow and ice would have no chance of growing out doors.
29 Jan, 2009