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Guelder rose, V. opulus, flower just coming out
By Beattie
- 12 May, 2011
Taken 30th April 2011, I've had this plant almost 3 years, it spent the first year in a pot til the spot where I wanted to plant it was ready. It looks lovely with the Sambucus 'Black Beauty' next to it.
Comments on this photo
You've probably got a named variety Sheila. There's one called v.opulus 'Sterile' and another called 'Roseum' (and there may be others for all I know) that have globular flowers.
This one came as a very cheap bareroot sapling intended for inclusion in "native hedging". I bought some very small saplings (whips) that I planted a couple of years ago. They've all survived (touch wood) and are starting to take off now they've got settled.
17 May, 2011
Ah, right. I like to find whips too . . . got several copper beeches a year or two ago: good ones to bonsai.
17 May, 2011
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This photo is of "Guelder Rose" in Beattie's garden
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Viburnum Opulus
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Lovely. I thought I had a Viburnum opulus, but on mine the flowers are globular, so I'll have to think again!
17 May, 2011