Lot,s of work all done
By pollyanna
All planting done just wait to see if they flower. I have noticed there have not been any snails or slugs this year. I have all the plants they like am I lucky or are they just not around this year? I am trying to put photos on blog again but the web page has been down.
25 May, 2009
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Previous post: lots of work to do
Wow, a nice collection, R some Calla lilies? Cute little dog!
25 May, 2009
Thanks Daff don,t bother with the post Thanks
For Doon Yes all the small plants are calla I keep old plants from previous years and get more each year. When they flower I will take a picture. Yes we think Oliver is quye too. Thanks Polyanna
26 May, 2009
I like your little companion. What's her/his name
26 May, 2009
He is Oliver
26 May, 2009
He's lovely.
26 May, 2009
Oliver is cute...
... sorry... I missed this last year... it was when Conker was having his vet clinic treatment...
10 Jul, 2010
Thanks we think he is something special too. I love your blogs and your two dogs are very handsom Your garden is so full of interesting plants. Its loveley to see Conker loking so well. Pollyanna
11 Jul, 2010
Thanks for those kind words, Pollyanna.
I hope Oliver is enjoying his summer... :o)
26 Jul, 2010
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- lots of work to do
22 May, 2009
- Lot,s of work to do!
22 May, 2009
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14 Aug, 2008
There'll be some in the post tomorrow Pollyanna : ) xxx
25 May, 2009