Open Garden Day
By pottysheila
Sunday:the village church organises an open garden day every two years with a scarecrow competition and teas in the village hall. I always enter the scarecrow comp, parking them outside my local pub but never went around the gardens as I would have been depressed,not having a garden of my own.
This year I have a brand new garden ….and a new job that involves weekend work. Scarecrow a winner but no time to look at the gardens for inspiration (and sheer nosey-ness) , not happy! Especially as it was that rare thing here up north …a dry day!
Saturday: bought a poorly rose (‘fool’ I hear you cry ‘never buy a sick plant’) but with a ticket price of £17 the chance to have it half price was too much to resist as stocking a garden from scratch is either slow and cheaper (seeds and begged cuttings) or faster and very expensive, So I am trying to steer a middle path, using economies to justify the odd splurge here and there. This rose is an economy….unless I have to spend a fortune curing it! If it survives I will have a fabulous, apricot, scented rose, Crown Princess Margareta.
Talking of slow and cheaper I am having a go at growing a lovely deep purple hellebore from seed, involving months of alternating warm and cold spells before there is any chance of germination, what hubby will say when a seed tray migrates into our fridge for 3 months I dread to think ….. dare I make room for it by removing his beer???? I can always use that in my slug traps!
2 Jul, 2012
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Next post: Expensive roses
Afraid I havn't got patience for all that, since finishing work I find plant stalls at fete's and market stalls are much better value than garden centres.Although can still spend hours looking around though, and still indulge now and again....our local Morrisons has now got a mini plant shelter in the car park and find it hard to resist a look....almost paid £15 for a lovely red cordaline last week after shopping because I lost all mine winter before last.......may go back!!!!
3 Jul, 2012
I missed the plant stall at the garden open day through work as well as missing the gardens but caught a late afternoon tea and the raffle draw , as it was my turn to clean the hall up (caretaker on holiday) I did take home two very sad, plain hostas left behind as no one wanted them, so the day was not a complete failure plant wise! I must get to some car boot sales they are usually good for inexpensive plants, but as Poppylinda remarks the purse emptying pots are VERY tempting.
4 Jul, 2012
Recent posts by pottysheila
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28 Jun, 2012
Crown Princess M is lovely. I've got it and it has a wonderful scent. You'll love it.
Yes seeds in the fridge are better than beer lol ... Good idea to use it for catching slugs. That's all it's good for if you ask me lol :o)
2 Jul, 2012