Prawn's Profile

About me
I inherited a small but sunny cottage garden four years ago having moved from a much larger place where I had the biggest raised bed garden known to man so I've had to be really clever to try to get all my favourites in. No room for the sadly missed asparagus bed, but I have managed to plonk a few courgettes among the flower borders, build a wigwam for my beans and get lots of tomatoes going in pots. I have some lovely roses and herbaceous plants but am missing peonies and hollyhocks - the latter will be going in as seed in the autumn but I'm just not sure there's a gap big enough for the peonies! I'm a very haphazard gardener - I like things growing through other things and no straight lines (is this a reflection of my state of mind?!) but get such a thrill from seeing each new flower or fruit emerging. Thank you Lulu for putting me onto GOY, I'm loving seeing everyone's pics and reading about their gardening adventures
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Joined in Feb 2011
Country: United Kingdom
County: Wiltshire