is this wrong
United Kingdom
Hi all, i keep walking down a street near to where i live and theres an house with an abundance of weeds that are getting probably about 2ft tall, however in the corner near to the road theres this hosta plant that seems to be getting taken over by the weeds, is it wrong of me to think about rehoming it and giving it a bit of TLC or would it still just be considered as theft, thanks for any opinions as this is on my mind and i need to figure out what to do lol
21 Jun, 2009
thats a very valid point which i never actually considered,lol to shy to knock on doors, ill just pass by now and then and check its growing ok,seems a reasonable size so could have been there years,as you said though there could be reasons for it being left, thanks for that, i kinda knew not touching it was the right thing to do, guess i just needed telling so
21 Jun, 2009
oh plants can be so tempting. i had a nice hebe against the wall and i kept finding bis missing. and someone took my only holly branch with berries on last xmas. i was really cross.
i have knocked on doors to complement on a plant and to ask its name. and i have even started with.
'hello this sounds awfully cheeky but i'd love to know the name of ... and could i take a piece for me to grow.'
i have had mixed responses but usually oh yes take a bit or on one occasion, come round the back and i was given some already potted on. that lady is now a dear friend and we often talk about our gardens as gimme gardens. gimme a bit of that etc. she is 104 now and still gardening.
21 Jun, 2009
hebe? is this the one that to untrained eye could be mistaken with buddlegah, nice incentive to knock on doors to gain friendship,nice to see someone of that age still doing what they love,my aunty is in her 60's now and still keeps her garden perfect, im quite envious but shes said its taken her many years to get it how she wants, ive also noticed how she uses spent compost,soil etc as a mulch or something so her garden always seems to get a little higher every year,i did knock on a door once to ask what something was so i could identify mine,which was the lupin and i always chat to gardeners if im walking and there in the garden and most seem to be willing to pass on information to a new gardener though i do find a lot of gardxeners seem to have there own way of doing things,when one says one thing and someone says another i usually go to my aunty at that point or goy to see which is which, goy just saves me the trouble of having to walk down the street and knock on doors lol
21 Jun, 2009
There is no harm in asking and knocking doors as I use to do it regually, as it was my bread and butter as they would say, My x husband and I use to have a scrap yard and when the cars were not comming in , in the 70s we would have to go round and look for scrap in gardens and use to have to knock the doors ,to ask could we take their rubbish, which has given me confidence now to knock on doors and ask about plants and a lot of people are so friendly will oblige giving information or sharing. I recently gave a cutting to an oap I never knew from Adam he was looking at the Clematis and I told him I have an evergreen one which was scented, He gave me his phone number and I told him when it had flowered he could come and take a cutting which he did . Remember its not what you say its how you say it or asking for that matter.
21 Jun, 2009
thats real kind of you to do this, i share plants/seed and even veg with my one neighbour which is nice but then i have another nieghbour who is an oap who as this amazing clematis which id love to ask her for a cutting but unfortunately shes an old lady who doesnt do much other than cause trouble and make complaints so the one person id like a cutting from id never ask her lol,mind saying that shes been very good this year
21 Jun, 2009
I think you're a very close neighbour of mine so I checked my front garden in case it was mine you had been looking in - no, no hosta among the weeds (the front garden is my husbands project!)
I've benefitted from a very generous gardening friend who gives me lots of her spare plants, divisions and cuttings, so I will happily share once my garden reaches the stage that I have extras!
21 Jun, 2009
hmmm, how close when you say a close neighbour? i give what i can, as you say when my gardens established and my knowledge advanced a bit ill be giving seed etc,mmind you because im new i always over buy, so gave neighbour some nasturtium seeds today
21 Jun, 2009
I can see the same industrial unit wall from my back garden, as well as the end wall of your flats.
21 Jun, 2009
hmmm, scary, you been nicking my strawberrys?or is it really just the birds? so what number are you, im looking for weeds out my window but cant see any,to see the industrial estate wall and the end of my flat you would have to be near enough opposite me,are you in the same street?
21 Jun, 2009
i just realised where you are from reading your txt, are you directly behind me by any chance, with the laurel hedge at end of your garden
21 Jun, 2009
i feel scarede now, you got a picture of me, you might attack me with an iris or something,hey if id have known id have chucked you some nasturiums over
21 Jun, 2009
I'm on Grandstand Road, with a green shed at a jaunty angle lol
21 Jun, 2009
Hahaha! Yes, you should be very afraid!
21 Jun, 2009
right, if you see a young fella with horrible looking ginger on his face thats me, im going to have a look for a jaunty angled shed
21 Jun, 2009
you got 2 pinky rose bushes?
21 Jun, 2009
No rose bushes at all. That could be my next door neighbour? The back of our garden runs alongside the footpath which leads to your back gardens, and we have the shed and runner beans visible over our "fence" (metal mesh with a fabric mesh for privacy while our new hedge grows).
21 Jun, 2009
well from my back garden you couldnt be to the left of the roses so you must be to the right, i thought you might be to the left as theres a metal shed at end of garden then if you were to look over the hedge youd have hollyhocks(i think) though the one on the right also as a big green shed on back of house
21 Jun, 2009
so do you know which garden is mine?
21 Jun, 2009
I think so, with the white arch and clematis?
I edited my previous comment to try to help you.
21 Jun, 2009
thats a lot of runner beans or is there no de=ividing hedge for ytou and neighbour? now i know where you live,i know what you did
last summer
21 Jun, 2009
My neighbour has a long row of runner beans, we have a nasty leylandii hedge then two wigwams of beans and the green jaunty shed.
Last summer? I was digging most of it!
21 Jun, 2009
lol now i really now where you live and im sure ive seen you at the shop
21 Jun, 2009
Probably! lol
21 Jun, 2009
was you there once asking when the bedding plants were being reduced?
21 Jun, 2009
and, do you know the old man at the of the flat,right nxt to you nearly, always does peoples mowing and hedge cutting
21 Jun, 2009
No, I haven't seen any bedding plants worth having at the shop. I'm a full-figured, middle-aged mum with long blonde hair which I always tie up.
I know him very well, that's Bill!
21 Jun, 2009
id love to meet him properly, have spoken in person but just a hello kind of thing, seems such an happy fella, but he does seem to nick all the birds, every morning hes out with his bread and that, and hes 1 of not many people that havent complained about me, now on my own admission when i moved in, i was ok, nbut nieghbours were accusing me of stuff (playing music to loud) when i dint have a stereo, police confirmed, so when i got my stereo bk i was immature and showed them wat loud was, hence apparently my whole street hates me, but,your not in my street and bills always smiled and said hello so all good, how long you been there, im assuming not long
21 Jun, 2009
He is a real character, take the time to talk to him he's a bit lonely I think.
Sorry about your problems, I guess it comes with living in flats (and even houses sometimes!) The only way to fix things is to show you have changed.
We've actually been here for 19 years now, but the garden was always for the children until they stopped playing football! They're all grown up now, two at university and the youngest at college, so I can finally have flowers.
21 Jun, 2009
aah thats nice you two being so close
small world so they say
x x x
21 Jun, 2009
this is where you might actually know me, did you know ada eacock? its my nan she lived here for about 15 or years
21 Jun, 2009
Oh I do remember Mrs Eacock! She used to wait outside for her lift, we often chatted. Nice lady.
Mookins, it's a very small world! I was surprised when I looked through the photos and saw just how close he was!
21 Jun, 2009
This is almost like watching a "soap" on TV! What next? When's the next episode? You've got me hooked!
22 Jun, 2009
iits great
It was lovely when I realised I lived quite close to a couple of young ladies on here
Not as close as this though hehehe
FGG has to be on his best behaviour at all times now as madmum can report back to us all
Which means no crazy nights out swinging from lamposts with your pants on your head hehehehhehe
x x x
22 Jun, 2009
i dont live so close anymore, fell out with me fiance so moved back to mum n dads lolhence why i never posted again,im sure ill be there at some point though looking after the garden,mookins i was thinkin exactly the same thing, theres a spy in the camp lol,ps i hope you dont call yourself madmum because of how you are,also,any nice daughters? lol :-p
22 Jun, 2009
seeing you knew my nan and she was a lovely lady,would you have also met my aunty val? she looked after the garden for my nan after she passed away,well and during whilst she was alive
22 Jun, 2009
sorry about the fall out with your partner
Im sure it will sort itself out
x x x
22 Jun, 2009
Oh what fun this has been to follow - better than a soap opera!!!!
23 Jun, 2009
whoohoo,im back on a computer,still havent made up with gf but hopefully if i leave it a week it should have resolved itself,am missing my garden though :-( and my little babba of course
23 Jun, 2009
x x x
23 Jun, 2009
i was thinking id find someone else but alas, i cant stop loving her lol
23 Jun, 2009
its only been a fw dyas hun, you cant give up that easily
it will be fine
x xx
23 Jun, 2009
Awww FGG....hope everything works out for you. Take the GF a big bunch of flowers and tell her you've missed her (and the garden and babba of course...)
23 Jun, 2009
i aint gonna give up just yet,supposed to be getting married in august,ill try the flower thing when shes had a few days by herself,might sneak bk there when shes out to maintain the garden aswell lol,thanks for your best wishes
23 Jun, 2009
Could you please send me a private message when episode 2 comes on Please Thanks.
24 Jun, 2009
well ill try morgana,though im sure episode 2 will be off madmums whereaboutsd lol
24 Jun, 2009
well im back visting my babba and garden but not looking great with miss's at the moment, she playing the whole im happy being single game,however i am taking her to pics tomorrow and going for a few drinks so will have to wait and see,seems to have now turned into my life instead of is this wrong
25 Jun, 2009
fingers crossed
how old is your other little girl
shes beautiful?
x x x
25 Jun, 2009
shes six in august,names mia,shes very grown up for her age aswell, well mannered and really good,shes been like it all her life luckily so ive never really had troublesome twos or anything like that
25 Jun, 2009
ps anyone heard micheal jackons died not too long ago :-(
25 Jun, 2009
Huuby woke me about an hour ago before he went to work
very sad news but definatly a better place for him
x x x
26 Jun, 2009
yeah i agree completely,notice how everyones being all sympathetic with him now when all they were doing before was slating him and accusing him of all sorts
29 Jun, 2009
such a confused chap. Definatly needed therapy not surgery
x x x
29 Jun, 2009
yeah definatly,born a child and died a child,i dont reckon it was foul play though, i think theres a chance he could have done it himself but then guess we'll never know, im sre there'll be the whole conspiracy theories before long
29 Jun, 2009
always suspicios about the way someone famous dies. Marylin Monroe, Elvis now Michael Jackson.
he never had a chance to be a proper child he was famous at such a young age bless him. No wonder he was deemed as slightly odd (or very)
x x x
29 Jun, 2009
to enter the garden and dig it up is a criminal offence. dont do it. if you are realy desparte try knocking on the door and ask them if you could perhaps have it/buy it from them.
they may be novices to gerdening and not now it is a good plant.
but it really is against the law.
there could be alsorts of reasons for the overgrown state, such as temporary ill health. when my shoulder was operated on i would have been very upset to find someone had dug up some plants because of the weeds.
21 Jun, 2009