mint/flat leaf and curled parsley,winter savoury
United Kingdom
Hi everyone, im going in the garden soon to tidy it all up and dead head etc, but around my rose garden ive got the herbs as stated above which have all gone a bit wild, the mint i know i can be ruthless with and can dig it up and replant if need be but what about the parsley and winter savoury,it all seems to be in flower now except for the mint, any help would be grateful, thanks,Rich ps is it true mint attracts lady birds etc to fight of aphids?
21 Jun, 2009
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i just been out and rather than dead head i cut it all back to the ground other than the winter savoury which as kept itself neat and tidy,the mint hasnt been to bad but im thinking of digging it up and putting elsewhere because i dont use it enough to warrant it growing mad and i think id like som ething a little more showy around my roses,got big plans for a clematis walkway but have to have a look if its ok or not as it will go over a council0communal path
21 Jun, 2009
I spent several hours this spring digging out mint which had invaded a huge area in the garden. Always keep it confined in a pot or tub. Winter savory is no problem and is one of the most under rated herbs there is. You shouldn't need to do anything to it as it makes a neat compact bush. Wonderful with French beans!
21 Jun, 2009
thankyou bertie, i dug the mint back to a small bush and left the winter savoury, reminds me of a pepper tyme,very nice, though i havent actually eaten any of it yet, will try it with french beans,well i got runner beens when there ready
22 Jun, 2009
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parsley is usually an annual for me so yes dead head it to prolong its leaf. i chop my leaves and pop into icecube trays with a drop of water and then bag them when frozen. dont know if savoy can be treated this way.
mint will attract lots of insects and it is invasive. i have mine in a terracotta pot sunk into the soil.
21 Jun, 2009