Rhapsody in blue(rose)
United Kingdom
Hi again everyone, im dead heading my roses and this particular bush as a stem coming from the bottom, i was told to watch out for them incase its the original rootstock or something,however the roses are identical to the rest, does this mean its on its own rootstock>? also it says on the label its against the law to propagate the plant,if i tried and succeeded could i get in trouble or do they mean its against the law to propagate for sale sort of thing, thanks for anyhelp and sorry if ive rambled on
21 Jun, 2009
There are two sets of letters on labels - PBR being one - meaning Plant Breeders Rights...this is saying that it's illegal to propagate from the plant.
The other letters are similar - senior moment - can't remember them... but mean that you can't propagate for sale.
So it depends on which set of letters you have! Be aware, is the message, if you do take cuttings.
21 Jun, 2009
If the shoot is coming from the rootstock, it usually looks different from the rest of the bush - it'll usually be paler colour leaves, with more leaflets than the rose itself, say 9 instead of the usual 5 or 7. It's often much more thorny too, grows a mile a minute, and if it flowers, it'll be what's known as a dog rose flower - small, single, pale pink. So if your stem from low down has produced the right flower, same as the rest of the bush, then it's okay.
21 Jun, 2009
thanks all,its the same flower so i think it might me on its own roots, it won rose of the year 2003 i believe (it says on label) now madmum can see me ill be careful not to be seen propagating it lol psst if they take to there new homes when i do them anyones welcome to one,i say everyone but i mean with in reason everyone
22 Jun, 2009
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I cant see you getting in trouble for doing it for your own garden but presumably if you did it and then sold them on you would get a smack on the wrist!!
x x x
21 Jun, 2009