Are Cupids Darts insectivourous?
By Mamababs
United Kingdom
I have recently bought a Catananche and I have been watching it very closely as it seems to be eating insects. I wonder if they are carnivorous and what is the mechanism for trapping its prey. It's most fascinating!! Any info would be appreciated.
On plant
Catananche caerulea
23 Jun, 2009
no they are not insectivorous. but insects seem to be attracted to the bud cases.
23 Jun, 2009
What I am seeing is a small fly going to the open flower, right in the inner circle and staying put. Then over a period of hours (day or evening) the flower closes. In all that time, the fly nearly always stays put. Almost stupified, if you will, or just plain stuck. By the time the flower opens again it's not there at all or just falls off dead in the pot below. I can't get over it! I'm a very novice gardener and am mesmerized and curious!! Will keep posted :)
27 Jun, 2009
The flowers do close in poor light or as the sun goes down - maybe the poor insect didn't realise that!
28 Jun, 2009
I sadly report that my poor Cupids Dart has been done by the rabbits :( I have lost all my flower garden and it was my first ever !!!! Grrrrr.
2 Jul, 2009
Oh, no! I am so sorry. What a shame. :-(
4 Jul, 2009
I don't think so - now I shall have to go and study mine carefully!
How fascinating!
23 Jun, 2009