By Jan65
North East England,
United Kingdom
Yesterday I visited a garden centre that was using silver birch tree trunk stumps as part of their plant displays. I would love one of these for my garden, to use as a feature. I have a place in mind that one of these stumps would really brighten up. I did ask if they were for sale but unfortunately not. Does anyone know where I could get one? Many thanks!
15 Sep, 2012
Thank you Bulbaholic, I'll give it a go!
15 Sep, 2012
But be warned, they rot very quickly so they won't make a permanent display.
15 Sep, 2012
Ah. I did wonder about that. Thanks Steragram, will bear it in mind.
16 Sep, 2012
I am paying about £60 per ton for hardwood logs. A woodsman would probably sell you just several logs for a few pounds and they would last for a few years. If you can get the logs i think that it would probably be worth it.
16 Sep, 2012
Thanks Bulbaholic, still worth considering then. It's either that or an obelisk but I'm finding it hard to find one I like and would prefer the log really. I'm not sure how to go about finding a woodsman in my area. Yellow pages?
16 Sep, 2012
No. Local advert papers and freebie newspapers - whatever you have in your area.
16 Sep, 2012
Thank you, I'll have a look.
17 Sep, 2012
Just to let you know that I've managed to obtain a tree stump/log! I mentioned it to my dad and he suggested we go to the local nature centre close to where he lives, which chip their own logs to make bark chippings for mulch. Voila! There was the perfect tree trunk, the right height, light in colour and all knobbly and interesting. Mine for the taking, with permission I hasten to add, although I did give a £5 donation to the centre to say thanks. Well chuffed! Thanks for the tips and suggestions everyone.
18 Sep, 2012
Find a local seller of firewood and ask if he has any birch. If you explain exactly what you want he would be happy to oblige, if possible.
15 Sep, 2012