feeding plants
By Jeanh
United Kingdom
I am feeding with a diluted miracle gro. What do Goyers think of the granule type feed which are pushed into the soil, and supposedly last 6 months?
27 Jun, 2009
After reading about the different types of plant food forms I discovered that although the basic ratios are similar, the micronutrients vary widely. So to make sure that my plants get everything they need I use both water soluable and a granulated (pelleted) and I think it has made a difference. I also add Epsom salts to the fruiting vegies like peppers, tomatoes etc. seems to help too.
27 Jun, 2009
i use the slow release granules and the plants are doing well. i will use these agian next year instead of the liquid feed.
27 Jun, 2009
I take it you mean the pelleted "birdseed" things that are designed for use in hanging baskets, etc., for annuals? I do use them, but I haven't noticed spectacular results with them, any more than you get with Miracle Gro. A shot of tomato food (for annuals only, summer bedding in pots/containers) every 7 seven days, now that's noticeable!
27 Jun, 2009