I have an oak tree with really sticky leaves....
By Clarehooper
United Kingdom
Hi, I have an oak tree with sticky leaves, I have read it could be aphids, its making everything in the garden sticky too and has attracted 100's of bees what can you suggest to get rid of them and the excess of bees pls?
On plant
27 Jun, 2009
I agree with Bamboo about the oak trees wildlife support - but please, please don't destroy hornet's nests - they are even more scarce than bees and contrary to popular belief they are not going to chase you and sting you to bits, they are not interested in us!!
27 Jun, 2009
I wouldn't suggest using any kind of pesticide or treatment on an oak tree - this tree supports more forms of life than any other in Britain, and it would be a shame to destroy that. I don't know where you live, but in the South, we've had no rain to speak of - that's what's making you notice this problem more - if we'd had rain on and off, it would wash off the sticky.
The only thing I would say is, are you sure they ARE bees and not wasps or hornets, both of which may have made a nest in the tree, in particular hornets? If you have a wasp or hornet nest, it should be removed by a professional.
27 Jun, 2009