Shady damp area of house.
By 3boysmom
United States
one side of my house is very shady and damp... i would like to plant a few plants/trees or just dirt to take dampness away from house (leaves siding green and needs to be powerwashed). i was told certain plant/trees do well in shade as well as keep dampness away from home.
7 May, 2008
If you want something exotic and interesting try a Tree Ferm (Dickensonia Antarctica)
8 May, 2008
Ferns like these conditions. A good shade shrub is Sarcococca confusa, which has highly scented (tho almost invisible) flowers. I don't think any plant will 'take dampness away from the house' tho. Is your dampproof course functioning properly?
8 May, 2008
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« Are there plants or trees that like tea leaves in the mulch?
Skimmia likes shade. It is a low-growing shrub. Maybe the best way to deal with dampness in the ground would be to improve the drainage.
8 May, 2008