What would folk recommend for a tall hedge - upto 12ft?
By Suef
United Kingdom
I'd quite like to try Garrya but it wouldn't be up against a wall a wall and so not sure if they can be free-standing. I live in Cumbria so could be prone to cold winds in winter as it faces east. Want something fairly robust, fast -growing yet somewhat decorative. Is that asking the impossible?
27 Jun, 2009
Not at all Suef, it's very possible.
I have one that is north facing, blown to bits by mostly south westerly winds (but takes a battering generally in winter) and ..... it's freestanding.
Despite what some books say this very tough shrub is just fine as a freestanding plant.
Incidently, the more you prune this shrub the better and faster it grows.
Plant is quite deeply and water well between now and late autumn because it can get windburnt leaves the 1st winter if it's too thirsty in it's 1st year.
Other plants for a tall hedge ..... look at Laurels, Viburnum tinus, Grisellinia and Photinia.
28 Jun, 2009