how do i get rid of rassberry bushes which have covered and rooted all over my garden
By Jijforlife
United Kingdom
please give me advice. i dont know what i can do
28 Jun, 2009
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Dig out the main roots with a grub axe, take out any perrenial weeds, get in a large rotovator and rotovate two or three times as deep as you can. Leave for about 4 weeks, rotovate again, add good compost/humus. By August you should be able to grow what you like in your garden.
28 Jun, 2009
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digging out is one option the other is to use a systemic weed killer which will kill them and then you will still have to dig them out. but at least everything is dead and bits left behind will not re grow.
either way digging will be needed.
welcome to GoY too.
28 Jun, 2009