The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Laurel Leaves


By Scotkat

Angus, Scotland

One of my clients has asked me to lay laurel leaves insetad of bark.

Can anyone tell me where in the wholesale trade I could access these please?



Well theres nowt as queer as folk! A good Yorkshire saying that sums this up Scotkat.Your client wants laurel leaves why ? They look awful as they die back and once dead become extremely brittle and will break into small pieces.
If determined to pursue this then sure anyone trimming a large laurel would happily donate the leaves undoubtedly there is someone out there on e bay making a fortune from such things , but I for one never met anyone wanting to purchase them.

7 May, 2008


Thanks BB dont know why but have not seen leaves to buy here and not really seen it used to supress weeds.

Thanks again .

7 May, 2008


I reckon your client should 'source' them him/herself! What a strange request! Tell her/him that they will poison the plants or something and use something more usual!

7 May, 2008


Well Scotkat think the answers you received explain why - no one wants to buy them generally cant give them away.Theres a whole range of things to use if client doesnt want bark from slate to coloured rubber even glass beads the list is amazing but laurel leaves ?

7 May, 2008


I totall agree with all you have said BB .

8 May, 2008

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