By Dirtyred
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
Hi all - this is my first post, hopefully not the last! I am wondering what I should do with spring bulbs I have from last year - bluebells, tulips, and muscari to be specific - do I just leave them in place over the winter? Do they need any help or protection? Sorry for the newbie question I'm a real beginner. Thanks, Nick.
17 Sep, 2012
Hi dirtyred, I leave mine in the ground too. Except my English Bluebells which I dig up and discard as many as I can each year as they are invasive and I always have more each year.
17 Sep, 2012
Welcome to Goy dirtyred. I'm quite new on this site and asked some pretty basic questions myself (being an absolute beginner also)! Everyone is very friendly and helpful and not patronising. So go for it. Hope you enjoy being here, and enjoy your garden.
18 Sep, 2012
The bulbs will be starting to grow now, so they would be better left alone.
18 Sep, 2012
Thanks all for the advice everyone, very much appreciated!
21 Sep, 2012
Hi Nick ...
I hope the muscari leaves have sprouted now :o)
4 Feb, 2013
Hi Terra - yes they have! It's doing my heart good to see the first signs of growth this year! Muscari, tulips, all are showing.
Thanks for asking :)
5 Feb, 2013
That's great news :o)))
5 Feb, 2013
If they are in the ground then leave them alone. They are all perfectly hardy. In fact the Muscari will be coming into leaf pretty soon.
17 Sep, 2012