green man
By Noseypotter
United Kingdom
dont forget those people who are interested my green man is going on national tv tonight 8pm channal 4 property ladder snakes and ladders.thanx for your support take care bye for now x

30 Jun, 2009
Ah! Thanks NP I will be babysitting my grandson tonight so I’ll go and set the recorder right now!
30 Jun, 2009
WOW! You are going to be famous! Well done. :-)
30 Jun, 2009
~will have a look too!
30 Jun, 2009
Me too...:>)
30 Jun, 2009
30 Jun, 2009
thanks i cant weight
30 Jun, 2009
Hi NP........your Green Man looked amazing but scary! I was just sitting back to enjoy the prog when the telly went on the blink........I reckon your Green Man played a trick on Sarah Beeny andpopped off my telly!
30 Jun, 2009
ours was the same but it is about to be shown on 4+1 at 9pm.
30 Jun, 2009
Oh...thanks Arlene...:o)
30 Jun, 2009
I liked him!
30 Jun, 2009
~I think Sarah Beeny was a bit hypercritical about everything~not everyone wants bland!
30 Jun, 2009
no your right arlene and thanx for watching bye the way the people who didnt like it probably wouldnt want to live in the forest anyway.the people who did like it would probaly love it so shes right and wrong.hypercritical as you say arlene.ive put a video on utube just look under noseypotter or sarah beeny and you can answer the questions i say on it next to said green man.dont hold any punches like you dont i got broad shoulders take care and thanx again.
30 Jun, 2009
Hi NP, I watched the programme all agog, and liked yr green man - specially his nose ! Disappointing that they didn't show a few longer shots of the surroundings, so Sarah Thingy could appreciate that yes he did fit in! But i'm not sure she was listening to anyone else...
I missed the part of the programme where that couple's building project was finished - did they continue to live there themselves, or did they sell the house?
30 Jun, 2009
NP...I love your Green Man..He is perfect there..what a gorgeous wall piece to make the house be more of a part of the surroundings..I do not know a thing about Sarah Beeney..but she was not paying attention and apparently has not much of an artistic sensibility...all she was doing was trying to draw attention to herself..and that is too bad.
It was very nice getting to see you and hear you and Mel both speak....hugs and congrats on your piece being on the telly..there would be an army of people standing in front of that one would ever rip it out..that is so silly..she is a child.
1 Jul, 2009
they fell in love with it weeding ,i dont blame them .they dont need the garden doing as they have the forest.the program doesnt do the place justice.i was there at the start of the build and it was lovley then even the caravan wasnt a bad place to be.they get deer right up to the kitchen window.they used to have a lizard living in the steps to there was all about the program cat as sarah said she loved the green man when she wasnt being filmed. the film crew asked if they could film me make another one but no chance lol i dont roll that way can watch a repeat of the program over the internet.just punch in channal four and it will show you a link to old programs.for something they dont like they didnt half put it in shot a hell of a lot.they couldnt of done me a better faver.thanx for your suppoort everyone bye for now x
1 Jul, 2009
i couldnt believe i weighted 2 years to watch it and the chanal messed up . just lucky it was on the next hour lol
1 Jul, 2009
TWO years, Np? Why so long?
1 Jul, 2009
i built the green man 2 years ago spritz lol
1 Jul, 2009
I watched it this morning np (v+ thingy) green man looked great in the wall , didnt see much of surroundings as you say , I dont live ount in the woods and I would have the green man any time.
1 Jul, 2009
me to even if i wasnt the artist i swear .
1 Jul, 2009
tell me again NP..what do I put in to find this on the internet..can you send a link? ~cat
1 Jul, 2009
this is the utube film i did afterwoulds but if you want the program look on channal 4 uk and it will propmt you to watch old programs.just put property snakes and ladders sarah beeny green man.take care bye for now x
1 Jul, 2009
Thanks..Leigh will look for channel 4 uk...
2 Jul, 2009
your welcome cat x
2 Jul, 2009
Hi NP watched the show last night Green Man looked amazing.
I think Green Man is in just the right spot looking out to the forest. Fantastic looking place! We are all entitled to our own opinions Sarah Beanie’s is not important as far as I am concerned her lack of imagination shone through in her bland suggestions on both properties, I gave up watching shows with her in because of her negativity. It was only because of Green Man I recorded this episode Congratulations Leigh another brilliant sculpture.
2 Jul, 2009
found channel 4 uk ok..and the show..but they won't let me see it as I am not in the uk...darn..would have enjoyed that...!
2 Jul, 2009
ow sorry cat and yes i dont watch this pap but thanx for the support
2 Jul, 2009
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Interesting! I will have to look in Leigh :-)
30 Jun, 2009