Passion flower (Passiflofa) question
By Stu
United Kingdom
Can somebody please suggest a beautiful/striking/unusual Passionflower I could grow in my (north facing) conservatory . . . . which reaches around 38 degrees in the sumer but is frost free in the winter.
30 Jun, 2009
One of the most beautiful ones is passiflora alata, which is red. There are several varieties marketed just for flowers. I prefer to grow passiflora edulis in our (fairly gloomy) conservatory (made out of a ruined stone building built into the hillside, with a polycarbonate roof) as the foliage is a taste of the rain forest and the fruit are fantastic to eat. I also grow passiflora suberosa (the cork barked passion flower) which must be about the least impressive of the species, as it has tiny green flowers you hardly notice followed by edible black/purple berries you eat whole, but which taste pretty awful (though the dog can't get enough of them and pinches them directly from the plants!)
1 Jul, 2009
I have just had a look for passiflora alata 'ruby glow' on the 'net, and yes it's a super looking plant - but I can't find a supplier!
1 Jul, 2009
I notice that Thompson and Morgan do seed for this variety, though seed are often problematical. You need high temperatures and patience.
2 Jul, 2009
Giant Granadilla which is my favourite, passiflora Violacea, passiflora ligulacis, or passiflora mollisima (Banana) I have I have out side at moment passiflora rubra which is red the leaves go backwards and I have also lavender Lady passiflora which is a beautiful purple colour which is also out side in lots of buds all these would grow in a conservatory
30 Jun, 2009