passion fruit
By Helly25
United Kingdom
a friend gave us some seeds 2 years ago and the plants are doing great.Nobody knows the name but it has a white and blue flower.It has fruit now ,green and smooth at the moment .Can we eat it ?we have tried it abroad and it was lovely

30 Jun, 2009
yes you can but not now you can eat it when its change to purple.
enjoy it
30 Jun, 2009
hi Helly you can eat the fruits of the passion flower but if they are not ripen they are poisioness, they normally turn purple or orange if there is enough inside as some dont have much.
1 Jul, 2009
If they turn purple, it is probably passiflora edulis (the purple granadilla), which IS edible (and very nice). If it turns orange it is Caerulea, which is hardy, and not nice at all to eat. Some people say they are mildly poisonous but as they are unpleasant, you wouldn't eat enough to do yourself harm! Edulis will survive a few degrees of frost so if you've got a sheltered courtyard or a frost free conservatory or greenhouse, that's the one to grow. The flowers are equally beautiful.
From the photo, I'd say this was Edulis as the leaves on Caerulea are duller and not so glossy though I must admit they don't look quite big enough or 'tropical' enough for edulis.
We grow passiflora edulis in a frost free conservatory here and they give us lots of fruit every year, ripening in late July or early August.
1 Jul, 2009
Thank you Bertiefox
I'll await with great expectation to see what colour they present!!!!
1 Jul, 2009
Helly25 they turn orange as I have one of these but I have never eaten one
3 Jul, 2009
Hi Helly.....its Passiflora Cerulea. Not sure about eating it, but you could google it now and see.....:o)
30 Jun, 2009