Honey bees
By Cammomile
west sussex,
United Kingdom
I haven't seen a single honey bee in my garden this summer - although there are loads of bumble bees. I know there is a big problem with honey bees but has anyone else noticed this.
1 Jul, 2009
My garden is full of bumble bees and theres a nest under my shed but I haven't seen one honey bee yet.
I was in the garden all day sunday to count how many I saw for a blog on here and never even seen one at all.
1 Jul, 2009
If you live close to field which have oil seed rape and they spray their crops, the spray causes the honey bees and bees to forget they just have to land on it they dont have to take the pollen for it to affect them I wont even eat food containing this which is in curries from Iceland. so far I have found out. as I watched a documentry about this and the lady speaking stated this she believes is causing so much alsimers in people. so to me it is better to be safe than sorry.
1 Jul, 2009
As far as I know - and I live in the countryside - there are no oil seed rape fields within a 2 mile radius, maybe further. Last summer they were so prolific on my lavender, this year, nothing.
1 Jul, 2009
Ah but you haven't been to my house! came in last week to find sitting room window covered with bees and now taken up residence in my chimney. If anyones good at climbing roofs feel welcome to come and collect them, as they have been smoked twice and still refuse to leave.
1 Jul, 2009
we have very few honewy bees
im sure there is something on RHS website to give reports where you live about the bess in your area so thay can keep a track on the population
x x x
1 Jul, 2009
Mickledaisy, if a swarm of honey bees has taken up residence in your chimney just smoking them won't budge them unless you kill them all, as they have probably started building comb and the queen will be established there. Contact your local beekeeping association and someone will help you out, though unfortunately usually when a swarm has established in an inaccessible place the only option is to kill it off.
2 Jul, 2009
Can't speak for how things are in Sussex, but honey bees generally are doing really well this year with the dry, hot weather. I've friends in the UK who keep bees who say they are doing well. Here in France, we started with one stock of bees and have hived five swarms since April, three of which are bringing in lots of honey.
Perhaps you just don't have many beekeepers in your area, though it's surprising you haven't seen a single one.
Just thought, what could partly explain it, is that the bees are concentrating on major honey plants, like oil seed rape, sunflowers (?) etc in the fields rather than coming to gardens in your area, as the weather is so good. Check the brambles if they are in flower in your area at the moment and I'm sure you will see some honey bees.
1 Jul, 2009