are all the leaves on my mature cherry tree falling of in mid summer?
By Adman
United Kingdom
it has been watered and has deep roots. Plus, it flowered normallty in spring and there were quite a few cherries on it.
It looks like it should in Sept/Oct, not early uly and i am worried it will die even though the trunk and branches look healthy. Alos, there are no new shooters coming through as they normally do.
2 Jul, 2009
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If it's a mature tree despite drought it should be managing ok. Our six year old cherry tree is doing the same but I have a horrible suspicion it could be honey fungus, as a really old plum tree nearby looks like it might have the fungus. Are there any old trees near your cherry which could have this disease?
Another possibility is silver leaf. The RHS website: might help with this.
2 Jul, 2009
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It shouldn't be losing its leaves now, no. If you can't see any pest or disease present, I'm willing to bet its drought, even if you've been watering. Put the sprinkler, or leave the hose running, on it for at least an hour, preferably 2, at the base of the tree. Unless you live somewhere in the UK where it's been raining regularly, unlike the South.
2 Jul, 2009