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update on question previously asked about Cordyline

North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

I asked some time back a question on behalf of my niece. she had asked what was wrong with her Cordyline as it hadn't flowered this year but had been wonderful last year.She had gone on to describe it's condition and in translation and not having seen it I had inadvertently got the story a little wrong! I have just been and taken a picture and it is magnificent. Not being familiar with the plant I didn't know that they grew so big. Now to cut to the chase. (at last!) The flowering stems are still on from last year and these refer to the "things sticking out"! Should these have been pruned off after flowering last year or do the new blooms flower again from the same stems?



The flower stems should have been removed once the flower died back. Remove them as close to the main stem or trunk of the plant as possible. Leaving the heads on enables the plant to set seed, which requires a lot of energy. They don't necessarily flower every year, however, and this one looks as if its suffering a bit from drought. And unless this plant is extremely old indeed, it looks more like a Palm tree than a Cordyline to me - not that it makes much difference to anything really!

4 Jul, 2009


I e mailed Debbie (niece) and she was delighted to receive your advice and said to thank you. She sent other half to get ladder and tackle the first of the tasks- namely the chopping. She then.planned to poor copious amounts of water on the poor plant and plans on feeding it too so it should be a very good specimen this time next year. Debbie is rather like me in that we both love our gardens and plant/animal life but not too clever with names. Generally if we see a plant we like we find out it's habits and if suitable in the garden or pot it goes LOL

4 Jul, 2009

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