By Joepiano
I'm going to tie up cordyline and put a fleece around to protect from frost but just wondering can I leave it covererd all winter?
19 Oct, 2011
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We did exactly what you are suggesting for about 10 years and left the covers on until the end of February.
Then it was about 15ft high so we couldn't cover it and it died !
19 Oct, 2011
Thanks guys, I'll do a bit of both and keep an eye on the weather!
19 Oct, 2011
Hi guys I've been covering the Cordyline and all has been fine, except some leaves have started going brown (seems quicker and more than usual). I am airing the plant too. Is this just a seasonal thing?
3 Dec, 2011
I don't know where you are in the UK, joepiano, but its still quite mild. A light bit of frost here and there will not kill your cordyline - the time to tie and fleece it is when the weather gets worse and is cold all the time. Even so, it will look pretty tatty whenever you release it from its coverings - but hopefully the growing tip at the top will have been protected sufficiently for it to carry on growing next year, and if you fleece the stem or trunk (if it has one), hopefully no damage to that either.
3 Dec, 2011
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19 Oct, 2011