What can I do with a buddleia shoot?
By Jan65
North East England,
United Kingdom
My neighbour has a beautiful buddleia (spelling?!) right next to our dividing fence, and I've noticed that there seems to be a large shoot or seeded plant growing on my side of the fence. I'd love to take advantage of this lovely freebie, but it's in the wrong place in my garden and is growing right behind a leylandii. There seems to be only one shoot, it's about 3 feet tall, full of leaves and does seem to be rooted in the ground (there are also several shoots coming through the gaps in the fence but these are still attached to the main bush next door). Can I dig it up (presumably breaking the root) and plant it somewhere else?
4 Jul, 2009
I'd give it a go too.
Try and chop it as close to the parent plant as possible and keep as many feeder roots as possible too. Make sure it's very well watered when you replant. :o)
Got to be worth a go.
4 Jul, 2009
it is on your land so i dont see why not. follow the advice of plenty of water. take as much soil with it as you can, to reduce root diturbance.
4 Jul, 2009
Thanks everyone for your replies, I'm definitely going to give it a go. Amblealice, what do you mean by nip out the leader? Just nip out the tip of the shoot? (btw, I'm in Cleveland and jealous of you in Northumberland, gorgeous place!)
5 Jul, 2009
I used buddleiah prunings in the polytunnel as bean and pea sticks. By the autumn I found I had several dozen wonderfully rooted plants which I dug up in the autumn and planted all round the garden.
So it seems they should root easily doing what you suggest!
5 Jul, 2009
If you find, when you dig it up, it's got its own root system and is separate from next door's plant, it's probably a self set seedling - these usually come up the basic lilac colour flower.
5 Jul, 2009
Yes Jan....just nip out the top. Glad you like Northumberland....you are not too far away!
5 Jul, 2009
If it is a seedling on its own roots, like Bamboo said, it will not be the choice variety of the parent. It would be easier to take cuttings, which will root in the greenhouse or frame quite quickly at this time of the year.
10 Jul, 2009
Hi everyone - thanks for your help. I haven't had the courage to do it yet! I was having a look this morning and debating whether I dare give it a go. It already has a bud. I don't really mind if it ends up just the lilac colour although the parent plant is pink. As it's so tall, would I need to stake it, and how would be best to do this? One reason I haven't taken the plunge yet is that I'm not sure where I could put it. Would it be okay in a pot?
10 Jul, 2009
Well, I wouldn't personally, put one in a pot, they are so vigorous, although you may get away with it in a large pot. If it didn't work, then you can transplant it.
But, you wouldn't need to stake it either. They are tall, but they are also strong and I've never had to stake one.
11 Jul, 2009
Previous question
Its worth a try Jan. If you can get it up with some roots you have a good chance. I would nip out the leader too...give it a chance to bush out..Where abouts are you in the North East?..>I'm in Northumberland
4 Jul, 2009