I want to move my leycesteria to a different spot in my garden. Can I do that now? July 2009
By Mariken
United Kingdom
I want to move it to a spot that has a bit more sun in the morning but is in the shadow in the afternoon.
It is currently in a spot where it does not get any sun but it is thriving. It is really big. I pruned it in February almost to the ground and it has grown again to 2 m high and 2 m wide in a few months time. However it grows hard against our living room wall and I do not get much pleasure out of it, therefore so I want to move it. How can I best do that and is it possible to do that now.
On plant
Leycesteria formosa
5 Jul, 2009
Oh dear, just dug mine up and moved it as it was squashed behind another, much bigger shrub. Must say it doesn't look too good at the moment - fingers crossed.
12 Jul, 2009
Moving it now, while it's in full flush of growth will more than likely kill it. If it's being obtrusive then cutting it back by half will probably not do it any harm although I should imagine that if it's anything like mine it's probably flowering well at the moment.
Best to wait until the foliage dies back and move it sometime in the autumn. Alternatively, you could take a rooted sucker, get rid of your present one and grow a new one. They don't take long to get to a flowering size.
5 Jul, 2009