rhubarb plant
By Vauxhall
United Kingdom
Hi my new rhubarb plant is growing like mad, i understand you can not pick it in its first year, what should i do with all the stems, do i let them die off or what do i do with them
5 Jul, 2009
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~I'm in the same position having two plants throwing out lots of leaves~do you cut the leaves or pull them off~which is kinder to the plant?
5 Jul, 2009
I would of thought hat it would be best to leave them on this year to help it build up its 'food reserves' for over wintering and to ensure a good amount ot growth next year. Let them die off naturally and then remove dead leaves
5 Jul, 2009
HOld the stem low down towards the ground and pull the leaves off Arlene, they should come cleanly off. Young newly planted plants can suffer from root disturbance as they may not of fully rooted strongly enough into the soil to withsatnd a yank!
5 Jul, 2009
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I dont see why you cant cut some but dont take more than a half of it as it needs these to help it establish. the other stems will in due time die back. ready for next year :o)
5 Jul, 2009