What plant is this?
By Agcjake
United Kingdom
It's just started growing on my garage roof, I'm wondering if anyone could tell me the name of it.

7 Jul, 2009
A little far away to be sure, but either a sedum or White stone crop which is sedum Album (Crassulaceae) which you are more likely to find in the wild flower books. Appears on rocks walls shingle or gravel paths in very dry exposed places. It has waxy finger like leaves which store the water.
7 Jul, 2009
Its a white stonecrop. We have lots of it in our garden and it looks stunning in flower in the sun.
7 Jul, 2009
Makes me wish I had a garage roof. I wish I had a garage!! LoL
7 Jul, 2009
have the garage would love the stone crop. [hubby wouldnt leave it there though:o ]
7 Jul, 2009
Haha amazed at how fast people reply here, couldn't get close enough to take a good photo but thanks for the information =)
7 Jul, 2009
Sbg, you could explain to hubby that you are experimenting with an environmentally friendly 'green roof'.
8 Jul, 2009
It looks like a sedum of some sort. Very fashionable these days are sedum roofs :)
7 Jul, 2009