By Wilco
United Kingdom
hy are my bush crysanths. spelling? budding again in late i cut them for winter?
23 Sep, 2012
i have always associated Chrysanths with flowering now into November. enjoy the flowers.
24 Sep, 2012
Quote;i have always associated Chrysanths with flowering now into November
It depends upon type and how they are grown!
To us amateurs flowering time can be from August to September providing you have heated cover for the later ones, and as I said above the pros can produce them all the year round!
24 Sep, 2012
Do you have the names of any that are suitable outside and early Teegee?
In the good old days you could only buy them 'in season' in the autumn. Mum always got them on her wedding anniversary. Thats why it sticks in my memory.
The ones I grow in the open ground are just forming buds and if I' m lucky they are still suitable for November/Decemeber.
I like the idea of early ones but I dont have the time or space for cossetting and playing around with the quality of light needed to induce flowering.
25 Sep, 2012
There are a few to pick from here;
25 Sep, 2012
had a look and it seems by early they mean late summer, I have one that starts now tucked in the back of a sheltered border and originally it was sold as an aster.
thought i'd find some for early summer ah well never mind.
25 Sep, 2012
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I am guessing you mean 'charm / pot chrysanthemums!
I am going to assume that they are in a pot and you have them under glass or indoors if this is the case this might be the cause of them 'budding'
Had you grown them outdoors it is unlikely this would have happened.
Chrysanthemums flowering can be easily manipulated to have flowers all the year round by adjusting light levels, this is why they are available most of the year round in florists.
The bad light levels we have had this year may have caused the flowering cycle to happen naturally.
So tell us how you grow them!
23 Sep, 2012