Teegee's Profile

About me
I am an elderly grower that has grown flowers and veg for in excess of forty years.
I currently look after the garden to the front and rear of my house, plus two 60ft x 30ft allotments where I grow mainly fruit and vegetables,the garden is a mixture of shrubs and flowers.
I have a 10ft x 8ft heated greenhouse at home that I use mainly as a propagating facility. I do all my greenhouse growing in three greenhouse and half a tunnel on the allotment.
The big greenhouse is 28ft x 8 ft
The next is 12ft x 8ft
The next is 8ft x 6ft
And I have three 7ft x 5ft beds in the communal tunnel
These keep me quite busy and virtually self sufficient in vegetables. Generally I can pick something fresh for around ten months of the year and I use stored or frozen veg for the other two months.
In the nineties I was a regular exhibitor in the local flower and vegetable shows.
I specialised in Dahlias and to a lesser extent Chrysanthemums, gladioli and vegetables.
If I say so myself, I was fairly successful at it but gave it up for health reasons ( blood pressure)
I have kept a diary of my experiences since 1986 so about ten years ago i.e after I retired, I bought a computer and summarised my diaries into a website which I named The Gardeners Almanac.
Based on the comments in my guest book it has been quite well received, and I am currently getting around 350 hits per day.
I have joined various forums like this over the last five or six years.
I love to help other people by passing on my experiences, particularly to new growers.
I see it as a way of thanking all those people whos wisdom helped me before the days of computers.
And that's it basically ....Tg