Lime in Compost.
By Keene
United Kingdom
Many thanks to friends who sent answers, regarding Tesco compost with lime.Now if anybody can use this compost, I have 5 unopened 20ltr.bags FREE to a good home., if collected. I live in the Bolton Area.
Any takers?
9 Jul, 2009
sadly no. Teso policy is refund if you
have a receipt (lost of course)
Where are you, perhaps we could
arrange something ?. other wise it's of
to the dump with it!!!!.
10 Jul, 2009
sadly too far away, near hull, wouldnt they give you a credit note? no wonder their profits are so high.
10 Jul, 2009
sadly Tesco do not give credit notes
on garden products - Ah well -off to the dump. Very Sad.
12 Jul, 2009
Previous question
« i cut my whole heads off when they are dead is this wrong?
i wish i lived closer. wouldnt tesco refund you?
9 Jul, 2009