runner beans no flowers
By Mjg
United Kingdom
my runner beans have plenty of green leaves but no flowers, I have a similar problem each year, I spread compost on the soil add blood fish and bone. Also my radishes don't swell up and are all leaves. Must be a problem with my soil, do I need to add something in the way of fertliser?
10 Jul, 2009
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Try adding a light dressing of sulphate of potash. This will encourage flower formation. Also, next year try preparing your soil at least six weeks before you sow your beans or put your plants in, and then let it rest, just removing emerging weeds. It isn't in any of the gardening books, but it certainly works!
10 Jul, 2009
Spray water your runner beans from above (like rain) this will encourage the flowers to grow and aid polination.
11 Jul, 2009
This isn't an answer as such, but I did have some red flowers on my runner beans & now they're gone with no beans set. I'm not sure if the birds or wind have had them all away. What I want to know is, is that it for flowers for this year now & shall I just pull them all out of the ground now? Or will I get some more flowers? It doesn't seem much point leaving them in the ground just for the leaves.
24 Jul, 2009
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the radishes will make leaf if there soil is too rich. do you water the beans well. they dont like to be too dry.
10 Jul, 2009