Please help identify this flower
By R5200iff
United Kingdom
My girlfriend took a picture of this flower in her garden and would very much like to know what it is. Can anyone help?

11 Jul, 2009
Looks like the Blood Poppy. Check under 'P' at the bottom of this page.
12 Jul, 2009
I had this plant growing in a garden in a house we bought. It looks the same as this, although difficult to tell the size from the photo. If it has a head larger than a normal poppy, and is around 15 inches high and the same in width it is probably a wild poppy that seeds itself from another garden maybe. However, once they are taken up they are hard to grow again. We tried taking seeds and planting them without success?
12 Jul, 2009
Oriental poppy, Papaver Orientale. You should be able to grow from seed quite easily. Keep the seed cool and dry through the winter and sow in late March/early April. Germinate at 15C 59F) on the surface of a good sowing mix. Do not cover seed or exclude light. Place in a propagator or seal pot inside a plastic bag until after germination
12 Jul, 2009
Not really sure but looks very like a member of the poppy family sure some of the experienced GoYers wud no!!!!
11 Jul, 2009