Gladioli query
By Angiedoherty
Does anyone know about Gladioli - I have grown them before in my previous garden with much success these fellas are looking like big aul "leeks" with no sign of a flower they have been like this since may - any ideas guys Thanks in advance

12 Jul, 2009
thanks BBB I will be patient a wee while longer so
12 Jul, 2009
Mine look like that too Angie D, usually you can feel the flower coming up thru' the stem just before it appears. It's a bit early I think. :0)
12 Jul, 2009
Mine look like that, too - except the dwarf ones, which are in flower at the moment.
12 Jul, 2009
Thanks Fluff & Spritz something to look forward to in the coming weeks
12 Jul, 2009
I hope so - for us all! :-)
12 Jul, 2009
mine are like this too and i'm in yorkshire. i'm not good at being patient though:o)
12 Jul, 2009
Hmmm, i seem to be the only one to have them flowering then, they've been in flower for a cuple of weeks now.
I'll post a pic later on.
13 Jul, 2009
There are lots of different gladioli and their flowering time can be slightly earlier or later - also, local conditions make a difference. Mine haven't flowered yet and I wouldn't expect them to before the end of July, so don't worry too much.
13 Jul, 2009
Thanks guys am looking forward to all the photos coming through soon I hope mine are one of them
17 Jul, 2009
I think there's time yet. Mine are only just coming into bud, here in Cornwall.
12 Jul, 2009