please id
By Mookins
United Kingdom
this was growing next to the caravan we were staying in on holiday. Its really tall about 6fttall stems are plain tubular type with this fan type flower at the top, when the wind blows it sounds rustly like tall graases. I thought maybe it was a type of bamboo, would like to know what it is so I can get some as it made a great partition
x x
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12 Jul, 2009
yes, I agree,is a papyrus,but have only ever seen this type grown as houseplant.Lynndylou
12 Jul, 2009
i used to have it in the ppond in the summer then bring it in over winter. i forgot one year and thats that.
12 Jul, 2009
my sisinlaw said it was an indoor plant.thought she had drank too much bacardi. Will look up Papyrus see if I can find it. Its fab the noise it made was so soothing. If I grow it in a large pot then I can put it in the greehouse in winter is that ok to do?
x x x
13 Jul, 2009
yes that is what i used to do with it.
13 Jul, 2009
Known as Egyptian Marsh Grass in this house it is NOT hardy so if greenhouse is unheated it's bye-bye to your plant. I use aquatic compost in a large container which must be kept WET at all times (pot with no drainage holes). Will be very heavy to move so best, IMHO, kept indoors. In natural circumstances it grows along the river bank with its roots firmly down in the the muddy edges.
Hope this helps.
15 Jul, 2009
Previous question
« Hi, can anyone give me advice on growing Angel's fishing rod's from the seeds...
its a type of papyrus, you know the group of plants used by the ancient egyptians.
You propagate it by cuttung the stem and turning the parasol leafy bit unside down into a bottle. it grows roots and off you go again.
12 Jul, 2009