By Ginellie
United Kingdom
I didn't realise that Wigela flowered a second time. I thought it was supposed to be pruned just after flowering (which I didn't do). Is it best just to leave it until after the second lot of flowers, which I have to say are better than the first.
12 Jul, 2009
I don't prune mine and i get a second flush but it's not as impressive as the first lot.
I have the ones that don't grow above 2'.
13 Jul, 2009
If you don't prune it, in common with other plants, you tend to get a second flush which is much more sparse than the first lot. If it needs pruning, I wouldn't wait for the second lot of flowers - though you can still do it after they've more or less finished, but don't take so much off and don't wait till next week - season's getting on now, you don't want too much soft growth when the autumn starts and you need to give it a chance to recover and flower again next year.
13 Jul, 2009
I didnt know that either Ginellie...I have always pruned mine after flowering, we'll wait and see what the other Goyers think...:>)
12 Jul, 2009