Aloe Vera PLant
By Mookins
United Kingdom
i have this and when I fist got it it was very succulent and healthy, then it went brown and slightly shrivelled so I changed the soil to make it slightly gritty, and hardly ever water it. I did have it in the greenhouse but now its on the kitchen windowsill. its still looking quite peeky but slowly perking up, is there anything els ei should do?
x x x
On plant
Aloe vera
15 Jul, 2009
Give it a good soak but don't let it stand in water for long. Let it dry out for a week or so, depending on temps, and soak again. It can last without water for a while but does need watering regularly when dry.
15 Jul, 2009
Previous question
« i have just came across a big heald of them and dont know best way to use them
I water mine about weekly, and add very occasional dilute feed. Some were brown in the winter, but I leave them outside in summer (since early May) and they have gone more green.
Brown tips to the leaves are a sign of lack of water.
15 Jul, 2009