Bamboo Dying
By Colinh
United Kingdom
This year I've had three different types of Bamboo in large tubs one after another they start out fine then they start to turn brown the leaves drop off and the canes die back one by one. Could it be living on the pennines? This is in spring and summer not winter. It rains here a lot I don't think watering is the problem I wonder if the compost may be the problem it has peat in it and seems to retain water??
15 Jul, 2009
What's your definition of a large tub? 18 inches deep by a minimum 12 across? And are there drainage holes in the bottom of the pots? If the answer to all these questions is yes, then it might be you're not watering enough. I could ask loads of questions about how you water, how much, and how often, but its beginning to look like an interrogation!
15 Jul, 2009
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« I've just seen a nice example of Mexican cigar (cuphea ignea) growing outside...
Hi Colinh iv a Bamboo in a Container in Semi Shade 4 just over a year now & i found it likes its soil kept Moist ! Mine also Loses some leafs but dont die ?
15 Jul, 2009