By Hoya105
United Kingdom
What have other gardeners noticed happening out of season? I have had fruit trees and hydrangeasburst their buds over a month ago, i have tadpoles swimming around in my pond and Ceonothus and Ribes in full flower!
9 Mar, 2007
I live in Georgia and we have also experienced odd weather. Like you, we have had very warm weather followed by very cold, and then back again. I am afraid it has effected some of the fruit trees even. The buds have already formed and then they are zapped with a freeze and die off. While we have enjoyed the early warm weather, I believe it has thrown a few things off. It has brought insects out early (I've noticed aphids on my outdoor plants already!) I guess I'd better start preventative measures!
21 Mar, 2007
Yes, I agree, everything is going pear shaped in my garden too!
I had a pond full of tadpoles in early March,bees as well & never seen so many ladybirds!
At the moment, early May, I have roses in full bloom & a lot of other summer flowering plants either in bloom, or about to.
See that Susans is having problems with aphids, have you dealt with it? Here's a tip, if you can grow lavender in Georgia, it's great for controlling aphids, otherwise just spray with washing up water!
5 May, 2007
My plants meant to be late Summer/Autumn are coming into flower now in June(e.g. phlox, rudbeckia, helenium)!
23 Jun, 2007
every thing in my garden is allways out of zink at 2 weeks after every one else
2 Sep, 2010
Hi Hoya,
I'm not sure when they normally appear but last week I had two bees in the garden - mid March seems very early. I'm sure they can't have coped with the sudden change in weather this weekend. Saturday was t-shirt weather here and Sunday it was snowing. I what the sudden changes in temperature will do, I heard it had a large effect on newly hatched owls last year.
20 Mar, 2007