By Jenko
United Kingdom
Hello All, I've taken some cuttings of a perennial phlox and have had them on my utility room windowsill as I don't have a greenhouse. Amazingly they all seem to be growing but I'm not sure what to do with them now as I'm concerned about moving them outside with winter/lower temperatures coming on. Should I leave them indoors till next spring or risk moving them outside, perhaps near the house (or even under a bush) for a bit of shelter? Any advice most welcome. Thanks. Jenko
29 Sep, 2012
Thanks for the advice Teegee. At present they're all in one pot. I'll have a go at making a 'cold frame' and try using that.
29 Sep, 2012
I had success over wintering some tiny phlox cuttings in a cold frame last year so I agree entirely with Teegee's advice
29 Sep, 2012
I think I would prick them out first!
If anything befalls the pot they are in now you lose the lot,whereas if they are in separate pots you increase your chances of some surviving!
29 Sep, 2012
Many thanks Anchorman & Teegee, I'll prick them out and rig up a cold frame. Guess what I'ii be doing this weekend!!
4 Oct, 2012
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« What flowers will grow beneath a yew tree? Many thanks to you for the advice.
Are they in individual pots?
If you can get a wooden box you could put them in this and place a sheet of glass over it, or make a polythene lid to suit the size of the box.
This will act as a form of cold frame!
Place the box in good light in a sheltered spot!
The reason I have said use a lid is; sometimes the winter sun can be quite warm and cause condensation on the glass/polythene and this will drop on the plants and may promote botrytis.
With a lid you could lift it slightly during the day and close it again at night and this should reduce the chances of this happening!
29 Sep, 2012