should i plant ivy??!!
By Daiseyboo
Glasgow, Scotland,
United Kingdom
bought crow's foot ivy (hedera helix sagittifolia) to use as evergreen screen but on checking intrernet (afterwards!!) everything seems to be about how to kill it!! am i mad to plant this? what could i use instead? needs to be evergreen as without it can wave to my neighbour in his kitchen from my livingroom..v.cosy!! thanks
On plant
hedera helix sagittifolia
17 Jul, 2009
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well you could keep the ivy and make shaw it says in reach of the limit. it comes off quite easy depends what sort of ivy
17 Jul, 2009
If you want to screen something then ivy is effective, however keep it in check and be prepared to trim it back and hack off chunks every so often. How about growing annual climbers through it, try Mina (Ipomea) lobata or sweet peas.
17 Jul, 2009
I am not a fan of ivy plants. Every ivy I have ever planted over the years has just turned out to be hard work and I would advise against planting ivy. They look small and attractive to start with but over time they all become too vigorous. Of course that is true of so many evergreen climbers. What would I suggest? Not sure but maybe an evergreen jasmine ( lovely scented flowers) although that too will need keeping in check.
17 Jul, 2009
I would just add that you have chosen a relatively small ivy - it only reaches 4 feet anyway.
17 Jul, 2009
Ivy is a must have for me. Yes it will go mad if you let it, but the wildlife it supports is worth the time it takes to do a bit of trimming.
Even if you only want it to grow to a limited height, you should be able to let it get to that height, then encourage it to grow down again. Then with luck you will have birds nesting, flowers for nectar followed by berries for the winter birds. Loads of insects live in there too.
On the other hand, you may want something easier and without the creepy crawlies! This type may be too small anyway to do the things I've mentioned.
17 Jul, 2009
I'm with Merlin - IVY IS FAB!!! It is everygreen, tough as old boots, great for nesting birds, great for overwintering insects (including the beneficial ones!!) AND it produces tones of nectar which bees love! It will climb anything, tolerate drought and heavy shade and can even be trained into topiary. Everyone should have at least some ivy in their garden!! ;-)
17 Jul, 2009
I'm definitely with Merlin and Sid - I have an ivy "hedge" (actually hides the chain link fence) which I love. Wren's nest in it this year and it supports so many insects I've lost count. Do not, under any circumstances, let your trimmings fall into the pond or you'll poison the frogs!
20 Jul, 2009
Oh really Hazey? Never knew that about the pond......
21 Jul, 2009
I think that the split may be between those of us who have big gardens and those with a smaller space. I have a pretty manageable sized garden so I have the time to keep my ivy in check. It is my number 1 plant, and I love the fact that it spreads because it means I can pot it up and move it about. You do need to make sure it doesnt spread its fingers amongst the roots of more dainty perennials but that is surely not a reason for not keep it!
18 Dec, 2009
Evergreen alternatives would be shrubs like pyracantha or cotoneaster. Both can be kept clipped back to produce a hedge in front of your fence. Both will give flowers and berries.
28 Aug, 2015
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This particular ivy will be fine, I'd think - just make sure you keep a regular eye on it to see that its not spreading, either at the base, or higher up, where you don't want it to go. Once its established, shear it back to flat against its support in late May/early June, and again in August.
Alternatively, you could plant something like Trachleospermum jasminoides - not sure how big an area you want to cover, but its evergreen and flowers, though slower growing than the ivy you've just bought.
17 Jul, 2009